Having realised that I needed to up my library visitation rate if I want to get around even half of the faculty libraries, my Friday morning was spent in the Casimir Lewy library.
More wacky Sidgwick Site architecture |
The library is inside a building on stilts, presumably because an architect thought that it seemed like a good idea at the time, or perhaps as a preventative measure for when East Anglia is flooded by global warming/sea levels rising or something.
I was signed up for borrowing rights by a friendly librarian who took pride in telling me how much better the philosophy library loan system was than the Seeley. Books can be taken out for a week, and fined 40p per item per day, which certainly seems reasonable.
Not the most impressive door |
The library itself is very small. There are a few tables around the edge and a couple of desks with walls in the middle. Unlike the Divinity Faculty, these are quite high thus avoiding awkward library eye contact.
Work space bubble |
It was quite busy given its size. By quarter to twelve, there was someone working at every table. Philosophers are perhaps more studious than other subjects give them credit for.
The view down the whole length of the library |
It was bright and airy, although this might have been partly to do with the sunny weather. Nevertheless, combined with the small size, this gave the Casimir Lewy library a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.
...and the width |
Excitingly enough, I was the first person to take out this book |
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