Monday, 26 January 2015

(7) The Marshall Library of Economics

The main thing about the Economics library is that it's quite boring. On a site full of eccentricities such as the History Faculty, or modern state-of-the-art like structures as the Law Faculty, the standout feature of this library is that it doesn't have a standout feature, perhaps other than an inventive library bin outside.
At least it looks nice in the sun

Bit dull

A bin for your library books. Thoughtful.

When I first got to the library it was really rather busy. I found myself a seat near a window at the back of the first floor. It seems that economists are a hard working lot - although I was surprised when, at 3 o'clock, the girl working opposite me shut her laptop, closed her books and proceeded to have a 20 minute nap on the desk. It was a Friday afternoon.

There's even a display cabinet about book defacement
It was a surprisingly large library, with two main floors for working on and what appeared to be a large amount of extra storage space ('staff only' unfortunately, so I couldn't explore). 

Look at all that beautiful concrete
There was a good amount of sunlight coming through, even though all the windows had blinds, but this made for a comforting, warm atmosphere - not something you can always get in a library.

Getting late

Yet another view 

These were the kind of books that I expected to be reading when I applied for a history degree. 

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